About Anthony Caliendo
We all oakleys outlet know the business world changes around us with relentless speed and intensity. It takes great vision to not only see these changes, but more importantly to be able to custom jerseys anticipate and react with the tenacity to sustain success. There are few business leaders that possess the innate skills to maneuver the modern day challenges of today’s business. Anthony Caliendo is one of these self-made men, entrepreneurs and corporate visionaries.
To continue to thrive in business over the next decade and beyond, professionals like Anthony have learned to look ahead, understand the trends and dynamic forces that will shape our business in the future and move swiftly to prepare for what’s to cheap oakleys come. Anthony is a professional with super-sensory sales skills, proven success in sales wholesale Jerseys strategy and corporate leadership. Having generated hundreds of millions in sales revenues in various industries over the past 25 years defines him as the Ultimate Sales Assassin Master! At a very young age, he discovered his entrepreneurial instincts which served as the basis for his desire for success, fortune and power. At 18, he became the youngest manager at that time to oversee Bally Fitness and at 24 he left with his mentor Al Philips to build the World Gyms with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Never to miss business opportunity, Anthony found himself on Wall Street as a stockbroker where his sales instincts and thirst for sales domination accelerated. This financial success on Wall Street to a number of notable business ventures, Caliendo mastered the art of personal branding when he became known as “The Main Man” in the mortgage business, architect of one of South Florida’s most successful conglomerates of mortgage and real estate services and a local celebrity regularly featured on TV, radio and at special events. During the housing market crisis and the US’s worst economic recession since the Great Depression, Caliendo re-invented himself and became the #1 Italian Cheese Salesman in the USA as the iconic “The Big Cheese” and “The Cheese Boss.” Caliendo directed his manufacturing plant’s national and global expansion initiatives and doubled the company’s revenues inside of 5 years.
Anthony Caliendo defines himself as an “outrageous and relentless sales professional.” It is with this hockey jerseys outrageous and relentless mentality that he constructed a fail-proof sales model encompassing specific skill sets and concepts that would be the basis for sales training for his brokers, salespeople and the sales staffs of his Mess clients. These concepts and motivational themes of past and present inspired him to write “The Sales Assassin” and become a sales motivational speaker and sales coach to salespeople in all industries.
Anthony Caliendo lives, works and plays in South Florida with his wife Lynette and their children Shawyn, Steven, Kristen, Anthony, Jr., Giovanni, Gianna Bella, Isabella and Luciano.
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