Your sales pitch is your first impression to prospects – you need to gain their attention, respect and interest in a few seconds, a few minutes – or a longer official sales presentation. Whether you deliver your sales pitch unexpectedly on the fly or are able to schedule a meeting, there is a lot of advice on what you should do in your sales pitch – but not as much information on what NOT to do in your sales pitch.
It’s easy to make a bad 1st impression and can be almost impossible to recover from a bad sales pitch. Pitch skills aren’t just for professional salespeople: they are a skill that salespeople, entrepreneurs and small business owners can learn and practice. You need to be ready to pitch your ideas, products, services or business opportunity at a dinner party, in an elevator or during a scheduled meeting.
According to BPlans, the cardinal sin of pitches is:
Your pitch was boring
Tell me a story that resonates. Tell me about people who care, ideas, how you started, why you started, and how you’re going to change the world. And just so you understand, market need and solutions aren’t boring, especially when you show them in stories rather than alleged facts.
Being boring is one of the 7 deadly sins of sales success. But there are many more than seven ways to lose the interest of your audience and fail in a sales or business pitch. Here are my top things to avoid in your sales pitch.
Download My Free Checklist
11 Things NOT To Do In Your Sales Pitch
Free Download: Save a copy of this checklist I made:
11 Things NOT To Do In Your Sales Pitch
Learn More:
- Pitch Tips for Salespeople, Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners
- 3 Tips to Upgrade Your Elevator Pitch
- 23 Powerful Public Speaking Tips to Boost Your Pitch Skills
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It’s the key that helps bring their point of view to yours. And it s one of the most easily overlooked secrets behind a successful sales pitch .