Tips for Business Travellers
It’s the start of another weekend, and a summer holiday weekend infamous for travel hassles. Knowing (and using) a few travel hacks can make flying easier and less stressful. Whether you fly weekly for work, regularly for business, or are an occasional family vacation traveller, here are 3 travel tips from a lifelong salesman who knows the airport staff by name.
3 Airport #TravelHacks
1. TSA Pre-Check
If you haven’t already been traumatized by the long lines at airport TSA – either in person or on TV – sign up now for TSA Pre-Check. More people are signing up, so it’s taking a little longer to get interviewed and approved than last year.
A few TSA Pre-Check facts:
- Passengers considered low-risk who qualify for the program can receive expedited screening
- $85 for 5 years
- available at more than 160 airports with 16 participating airlines
2. Mobile Passport Customs App
Mobile Passport lets you skip the line at US airports for Custom and Border Protection – no paperwork to fill out!
#MobilePassport facts:
- free iPhone and Android app
- implemented at 13 US airports, 3 more coming soon
- fill out the online form, get approved, and you’re done!
3. Stay Airline Loyal
You can save money by shopping for the cheapest flights. But as a too frequent flyer, I’ve found that airline loyalty pays off.
My favorite airline perks:
- airport lounge with comfy(er) chairs, free WiFi, snacks, drinks and TV
- priority rebooking when flights are cancelled or delayed
- seat upgrades – it used to be easier to move up from coach to business, now I’m happy to get out of a last minute middle seat and upgrade to an aisle seat
What’s your top flyer tip?
this article originally appeared on LinkedIn
about Anthony Caliendo:
I’m an entrepreneur and sales professional with over 20 years of successful sales and sales management experience. My expertise in sales, marketing and business development spans from small business to international companies.
I’m the best-selling author of The Sales Assassin: Master Your Black Belt in Sales, winner of the 2015 USA Book News business book award for entrepreneurs and small business.
I provide personal sales coaching; and consult, speak and train about growing and motivating your sales team to businesses, corporations and conferences across the nation, as well as a guest contributor and sales expert for TV and radio, and professional organizations.