When you’re in better physical health, you look better, you feel better and you’re more confident

Choose a healthy lifestyle food, exercise and sleep to make better decisions and achieve #SalesSuccess ~ Anthony Caliendo, The Sales Assassin

What You Eat Affects Your Productivity

Don’t let poor lunch decisions derail your day.

~ Harvard Business Review

When you’re in better physical health, you look better, you feel better and you’re more confident.  These positive feelings contribute to a positive disposition and a positive mindset.  Because when you’re getting your mind and body to work in unison, you’re making better choices about what to feed your mind and about what to feed your body.

Sales Success demands establishing priorities and changing behaviors. Choosing a healthy lifestyle – food choices, getting exercise, sufficient sleep – leads to better decisions and sales success. If you focus on a behavior without determining your  priorities, the unwanted behavior will always revert back.

The first thing to do is to identify your priorities. This is really a matter of making a list of what is important to you – family, work, health, etc., and then organizing these things in order of importance. With this list you are more aware of your priorities than you were before. This is an important first step toward making a lifestyle change.

Remember, if you make eating healthy and making better choices about what to feed your mind and body your priority, the behavior changes will follow.

~ Anthony Caliendo, The Sales Assassin

The Sales Assassin by Anthony Caliendo