Every Sales Assassin needs a little motivation to power through the tough spots. Here are 55 motivational sales quotes to inspire your team to sales success. Sales people have a hard job: they get far more rejections than yeses. Learning from rejection – and even being motivated by rejection – isn’t easy. Sometimes you need a little jumpstart to get back on track for sales success.
In my sales career I’ve attended a lot of sales meetings and conferences. I’ve heard some good speakers, even a couple great speakers. And I’ve heard a lot of boring speakers. Their message may have been great: but no one listened, or remembered. They were boring and uninspiring.
That’s why I make sure I’m a motivational sales speaker:
I not only deliver the sales lessons and tools my audience needs to hear (sometimes it’s not what they want to hear: I tell you what you need to hear!), I put on a performance so my sales message is delivered, received and remembered.
As sales leaders, the reality is we don’t always have time for a sales speech. These 55 motivational sales quotes are a fast and effective jumpstart to get your sales team on target for sales success.
Download My Checklist: 55 Motivational Quotes to Jumpstart Your Sales Team
What quote motivates you to move past rejection?
About Anthony Caliendo
Anthony has discussed his sales strategies on radio and TV on CBS, NBC, ABC and FOX. He has been quoted in industry mags including Salesforce, Small Biz Daily, The Canadian Business Journal, Focus Magazine, TK Business Magazine, AMA Playbook, In Business Magazine, with a spellbinding book review in Digital Journal.
Anthony lives and works in South Florida with his wife, Lynette and their eight children.
To connect with Anthony or for more information on motivational speaking, coaching services or media opportunities please visit:
- www.thesalesassassin.com
- Tel: + 1-561-265-1405
- Email: info@thesalesassassin.com
- Facebook @TheSalesAssassin
- Twitter @1SalesAssassin
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthonycaliendo1