You’ve undoubtedly read about some new product or service that’s taking the world by storm and thought, I could have done that!
Do you have an idea for a product or service – but you’re not sure if it’s a good idea for a business? Have you been thinking about this idea for days – weeks – months – but can’t don’t know how to decide if this is a great idea for a business – or if you’re so excited by your idea that you’re blinded to the realities of starting and running a business.
A good idea can become a great idea by carefully evaluating all aspects and angles and developing a solid business plan – or an idea can suffer from analysis-paralysis and never make it off the launch pad. Having a strategy to evaluate your business idea can help you evaluate its potential.
Here are 25 questions to help evaluate your business idea. Your answers to these questions will help determine if your idea is a good one – and if you should take the next steps to start a business.
Download my free checklist:
How to Evaluate a Business Idea: 25 Point Checklist for Entrepreneurs
What questions would you ask someone who’s thinking of opening a business?
About Anthony Caliendo
Anthony has discussed his sales strategies on radio and TV on CBS, NBC, ABC and FOX. He has been quoted in industry mags including Salesforce, Small Biz Daily, The Canadian Business Journal, Focus Magazine, TK Business Magazine, AMA Playbook, In Business Magazine, with a spellbinding book review in Digital Journal.
Anthony lives and works in South Florida with his wife, Lynette and their eight children.
To connect with Anthony or for more information on motivational speaking, coaching services or media opportunities please visit:
- www.thesalesassassin.com
- Tel: + 1-561-265-1405
- Email: info@thesalesassassin.com
- Facebook @TheSalesAssassin
- Twitter @1SalesAssassin
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthonycaliendo1