Client Exit Survey – Free Checklist

Client Exit Survey | Anthony Caliendo | The Sales Assassin

Don’t assume you already know the answers before you ask the questions. Clients depart for many reasons. Whether your client leaves because the project successfully completed, due to a failure to deliver on your part or if you fired a demanding client, there is valuable information to be learned. After your end of sales contract meeting, the next step is a Client Exit Survey.

A client exit interview is your only opportunity to get important information that can help you identify opportunities to grow your business. Exit surveys provide information that helps you understand:

  • How is your customer service?
  • Do you communicate effectively with clients?
  • What is it like to work with your team?
  • Competitor information – pricing, pitching or service

Download My Free Checklist:

Client Exit Survey


Free Download: Save a copy of this checklist I made:
Client Exit Survey

A Client Exit Survey is likely too late to salvage a client relationship. Implement ongoing Client Satisfaction Surveys as part of your CRM process.