How to Embrace Being an Insecure Entrepreneur
When you’re a business of one it’s hard to avoid that stomach churning anxiety compelling you to create a big-business persona to hide the mom-and-pop reality.
~ via Entrepreneur
Sales passion is something you either have or don’t have: it’s up to you to figure out how to find your passion and how to keep it alive. Confidence can be learned: following your passion is the first step to building the self-confidence necessary to achieve entrepreneurial sales success. For starters, you must focus on your goals, find out where your motivation lies and keep it real with yourself! If your passion truly is your product and you believe it is the best most beneficial product or service for businesses and/or consumers, then your prospects will undoubtedly hear that passion, confidence and sincerity in your presentation.Watch Full Movie Streaming Online and Download
In the world of sales, lows come in the form of rejection, non-response, non-results, non-activity, the “Ground Hog Day syndrome” = lack of new business! The typical salesperson deals with lows by becoming de-motivated and dejected and going back to the cigar bar over a beer and sorting business card prospects.
For most small-business owners, however, the selling process is anything but easy. In fact, when it comes to pitching their product or service, many entrepreneurs struggle with any number of issues, including lack of confidence in themselves or their product, fear of failure and fear of closing the deal. The good news: Experts say these fears can be overcome with the proper attitude, training and practice.
Following my steps to become a Sales Assassin gives you the ability to achieve success, build your self-image and your self-confidence.
~ Anthony Caliendo, The Sales Assassin